Host A Fridge With CF HamOnt

Providing the use of your space by hosting a community fridge is an impactful way to enrich your neighbourhood!

Future Locations

Are you interested in hosting a fridge? Does your site meet the following requirements?

Property Requirements


Business-owned (no residential or city-owned properties)


Space for a fridge and pantry structure (approximately 4′ x 4′)


Physically safe and accessible (24/7)


Space nearby for drivers to park or stop to load and unload

Area Requirements


Busy street with frequent passersby so the fridge is seen often


Near other businesses to encourage “shop and drop”


Walking distance for volunteers

If your space doesn’t quite meet these needs but you’d like to talk about how you can help, we’d still love to hear from you!

How does this partnership work?

As the host, you provide the space and electricity. Throughout our partnership, we’ll both maintain open and consistent communication.

Our team supplies:


The fridge, weatherized enclosure, and any needed repairs or replacements


Daily cleaning and upkeep of the fridge and surrounding area


Reduction of food waste and food insecurity


Positive community engagement

Interested in hosting a fridge or have questions?

Want to start a community fridge yourself?

Community Fridges are a labour of love, and best run by the local community. Here are some resources that informed us when we were getting started:

A guide from Calgary Community Fridges

A guide from Athens Community Fridge

A guide from Freedge

In Our Hearts NYC guide

A few more tips to get you started:

Get a lay of the land

What other food resources exist in your community? Where are the gaps (geographic, access) that you could fill?

Find community

 If you’re thinking about opening a community fridge, chances are that others may be too. Reach out to groups in your area who may know of initiatives underway that you can support.

Look for a location

If you’re ready to search for a host location, create a social media post so that your call for partnership can be shared widely.